Axie Infinity Best Cards – Tier List

Axie Infinity Best Cards tier list

Last Updated on 15 August, 2022

Axie Infinity Best Cards – All cards ranked by tiers, from Tier A (best) to Tier F (worst), with info about stats, effects…

If you prefer, you can check the tier list of a specific body class: Bird, Beast, Bug, Aqua, Reptile, Plant

Also check the SLP Farming guide, Breeding guide, Last Stand, Mystic Axies, How to Earn Money, Scholarship Application

Tier A –  The Best Cards

Axie Infinity Best Cards – In Tier A are the best cards in the game:

  • Blackmail – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 10 | Transfer all debuffs to target | Tail: Pigeon Post
  • Spike Throw – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 50 | Target enemy with lowest shield if comboed >= 2 cards | Tail: Tri Spikes
  • Cleanse Scent – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 0 | Def: 50 | Remove all debuffs | Tail: Bidens
  • All-out Shot – Bird: Energy 0 | Atk 120 | Def: 0 | 30% of max HP to itself | Tail: Post Fight
  • Nile Strike – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 60 |+ Speed x2 rounnds | Tail: Croc
  • Ivory Chop – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 80 | Draw a card if shield breaks | Tail: Bone Sail, Rugged Sail
  • Anesthetic Bait – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 60 | Def: 80 | stun when struck by Aquatic or Bird cards | Tail: Fish Snack
  • Acrobatic – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 50 | + Speed x2 rounds if attacked | Tail: Arco
  • Spinal Tap – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 20 | Prioritize idle target if comboed with >=2 cards | Tail: Perch
  • Disarm – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 40 | + Speed x2 rounds if attacked | Tail: Incisor
  • Refresh – Plant: Energy 0 | Atk 0 | Def: 50 | Remove all debuffs from teammate if it’s in front | Tail: Mint
  • Surprise Invasion – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 60 | +130% Damage if target is faster | Tail: Cerastes
  • Critical Escape – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 10 | -15% damage taken x1 round | Tail: Wall Gecko, Escaped Gecko
  • Grub Surprise – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 50 | Apply Fear to shielded targets | Tail: Caterpillars
  • Sticky Goo – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 40 | Def: 60 | Stun attacker if shield breaks | Tail: Snail Shell
  • Star Shuriken – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 115 | Def: 10 | if HP=0 Target cannot enter Last Stand | Tail: Shoal Star
  • Shelter – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 0 | Def: 115 | Dissable crit strikes on this axie x1 round | Tail: Hermit
  • Chomp – Reptile: Energy 0 | Atk 120 | Def: 0 | Stuns if comboed >=2 cards | Tail: Tiny Turtle
  • Peace Treaty – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | -Attack on target. | Tail: Peace Maker
  • Eggbomb – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 0 | Aroma until next round | Tail: Eggshell
  • Piercing Sound – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 40 | -1 enemy’s energy | Tail: Goda
  • Swift Escape – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 20 | + Speed x2 rounds if attacked | Tail: Goldfish
  • Swallow – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 30 | Heal by damage inflicted | Tail: Catfish
  • Shipwreck – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 60 | Def: 90 | + Attack if Shield Break | Tail: Sponge

Axie Infinity Best Cards – Tier B

Axie Infinity Best Cards – In Tier B the cards are above average

  • Vegetal Bite – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 30 | Steal +1 Energy if comboed | Tail: Serious
  • Slippery Shield – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 10 | Def: 135 | +15% Shield to adjacent teammates | Tail: Red Ear
  • Wooden Stab – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 105 | Def: 40 | +120% Damage if shield break | Tail: Beech
  • Drain Bite – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 60 | Def: 60 | Heal by damage inflicted | Tail: ZigZag
  • Blood Taste – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 70 | Def: 40 | Heal by damage inflicted | Tail: Mosquito
  • Allergic Reaction – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 105 | Def: 30 | 130% damage to debuffed targets | Tail: Thorny Cattepilar
  • Angry Lam – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 40 | +120% Damage if HP<50% | Tail: Lam Butt
  • Spicy Surprise – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 50 | Disable target’s mouth cards next round. | Tail: Hot Butt
  • Leek Leak – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 60 | Def: 80 | When hit disables enemy’s ranged cards x1 round. | Tail: Hatsune
  • Seed Bullet – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 50 | Target fastest enemy | Tail: Watermelon
  • Bug Splat – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 50 | +50% damage to bug targets | Tail: Sandal
  • Bug Noise – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 40 | -Attack to target | Tail: Buzz Buzz
  • Cool Breeze – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | Chill to target x2 rounds | Tail: Granma’s Fan
  • Feather Lunge – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 50 | 120% damage if chained with Lunge Card | Tail: Feather Spear
  • Nitro Leap – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 115 | Def: 35 | Strike first if in Last Stand | Tail: Jaguar
  • Flanking Smack – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 40 | 120% if attacks first | Tail: Navaga
  • Water Sphere – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | Chill to target x2 rounds | Tail: Ranchu
  • Black Bubble – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 40 | Jinx to target x2 rounds | Tail: Tadpole
  • Hare Dagger – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | draw a card if attacks at the beginning of the round | Tail: Hare
  • Balloon Pop – Bird: Energy 0 | Atk 40 | Def: 0 | Fear to target x1 rounds | Tail: Balloon
  • Sugar rush – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 125 | Def: 20 | +10% damage for each Bug Ally | Tail: Pocky
  • Aquaponics – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 40 | restores 50Hp per anemone part after attack | Tail: Anemone
  • Aqua Vitality – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 40 | restores 50Hp per anemone part after attack | Tail: Anemone
  • Dull Grip – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 30 | +30% damage to shielded targets | Tail: Pliers
  • Sinister Strike – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 130 | Def: 20 | +250% Damage on critical strikes | Tail: Lam Butt
  • Rampant Howl – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | + Team morale x2 rounds if attacks in Last Stand | Tail: Shiba
  • Neuro Toxin – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 55 | -Attack to poisoned targets | Tail: Red Ear
  • Soothing Song – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 0 | Sleep to target | Tail: Doubletalk
  • Deep Sea Gore – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 50 | Def: 80 | +30% shield whren attacking | Tail: Teal Shell
  • Scarab Curse – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 40 | Target can’t heal x1 round | Tail: Scarab
  • Prickly Trap – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 20 | +120% Damage if last attack | Tail: Cactus
  • Early Bird – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 20 | 120% damage if attacks first| Tail: Swallow
  • Nut Crack – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 105 | Def: 30 | +120% Damage if comboed with Nut Cracker | Tail: Nut Cracker
  • Nut Throw– Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 105 | Def: 30 | +120% Damage if comboed with Nut Cracker | Tail: Nut Cracker
  • Scale Dart – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 60 | +1 Energy if attacks buffed target | Tail: Iguana
  • Tiny Catapult – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 10 | Def: 135 | Reflects back 50% of ranged damage | Tail: Scaly Spoon
  • Scaly Lunge – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 50 | 120% damage if chained with Lunge Card | Tail: Scaly Spear
  • Carrot Hammer – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 70 | Def: 40 | +1 Energy if shield break | Tail: Carrot
  • October Treat – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 0 | Def: 110 | +1 Card if shield doesn’t break | Tail: Pumpkin
  • Aqua Deflect – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 70 | Def: 80 |  Aqua cards can’t target it if there are teammates | Tail: Potato Leaf
  • Vegan Diet – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 75 | Def: 75 | Heals by damage inflicted to Plant target | Tail: Herbivore
  • Bamboo Clan – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 70 | +20% damage if chained with Plant card | Tail: Bamboo shoot
  • Terror Chomp – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | Fear ti target x2 turns if in chain | Tail: Cute Bunny
  • Third Glance – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 50 | -1 random card from enemy | Tail: Parasite
  • barb Strike – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 50 | x2 poison to target if in chain | Tail: Garish woirk
  • Headshot – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 130 | Def: 0 | Disable target’s horn cards x1 round | Tail: Kestrel
  • Insectivore – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 40 | Target Bug if HP<50% | Tail: Hungry Bird
  • Air Force One – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | 120 damage if chained to Trump Card | Tail: Trump
  • Ill Omened – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 30 | Jinx to target x2 rounds | Tail: Raven
  • Heart Break – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 20 | – morale to enemy x2 rounds | Tail: Cupid
  • Merry Legion– Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 65 | Def: 85 | +20% shield if chained | Tail: Merry
  • Branch Charge– Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 105 | Def: 30 | +20% crit chance if chained with plant | Tail: Little Branch
  • Woodman Power– Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 50 | Def: 100 | +Shield = damage to plant cards | Tail: Timber
  • Revenge Arrow– Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 125 | Def: 25 | 150% Damage if in last stand | Tail: Risky Beast
  • Crimson Water – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | if HP<50% Target injured enemy | Tail: Piranha
  • Tail Slap – Aqua: Energy 0 | Atk 30 | Def: 0 | +1 energy when comboed | Tail: Nimo
  • Hero’s Bane – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | End target’s Last Stand | Tail: Oranda
  • Clam Slash – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 40 | +Attack against beast, bug or mech | Tail: Clamshell
  • Shell jab – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 50 | 130% damage when attacking an idle | Tail: Babylonia
  • Scale Dard – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 120 | Def: 30 | Draw a card if target is Last Stand | Tail: Blue Moon
  • Sunder Armor – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 40 | Def: 90 | +20% shield per debuff | Tail: Feather Fan

Axie Infinity Best Cards – Tier C

Axie Infinity Best Cards – In Tier C are the average cards:

  • Dark Swoop – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 25 | Def: 0 | Target Fastest Enemy | Tail: Little Owl
  • Triple Threat – Bird: Energy 0 | Atk 35 | Def: 10 | double attack if has debuffs| Tail: Tir Feather
  • Night Steal– Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 10 | steals +1 energy if comboed | Tail: Rice
  • Self Rally – Beast: Energy 0 | Atk 0 | Def: 30 | +2 morale x2 rounds | Tail: confident
  • Single Combat – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 75 | Def: 0 | Guaranteed crit strike if comboed with >=2 cards | Tail: Ronin
  • Why so serious – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 50 | Heals = damage to aquatic | Tail: Razor Bite
  • Kotaro Bite – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 20 | +1 energy if target is faster | Tail: Scaly Kotaro
  • Sneaky Raid – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 20 | Def: 40 | Target the furthest enemy | Tail: Toothless Bite, Venom Bite
  • Helaing Aroma – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 0 | Def: 40 | Heals 120 hp | Tail: Rose Bud
  • Shroom’s Grace – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 0 | Def: 40 | Heals 120 hp | Tail: Shiitake
  • Turnip Rocket – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 60 | Def: 80 | Target a bird if comboed >= 2 cards | Tail: Turnip
  • Disguise – Bug: Energy 0 | Atk 20 | Def: 20 | +1 energy if comboed with plant card. | Tail: Leaf Bug
  • Bug Signal – Bug: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 60 |  Steals energy if chained with Bug signal card| Tail: Antenna
  • Mystic Rush – Bug: Energy 0 | Atk 40 | Def: 0 | – Speed to target x2 rounds | Tail: Laggin
  • Ivory Stab – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 70 | Def: 20 | + energy per team crit strike | Tail: Risky Imp
  • Gerbil Jump – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 40 | Def: 20 | Skip closes target if there are al least 2 | Tail: Gerbil
  • Death mark – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 100 | Def: 30 | Lethal tpo target if HP<30% | Tail: Axie Kiss
  • Fish Hook – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 20 | + attack against Plant, Reptile, or Dusk | Tail: Risky Fish
  • Chitin Jump – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 30 | Prioritizes furthest target | Tail: Shrimp
  • Upstream Swim – Aqua: Energy 1 | Atk 110 | Def: 30 | + Speed x2 rounds if comboed with aqua | Tail: Koi

Axie Infinity Best Cards – Tier D

Axie Infinity Best Cards – In Tier D, E & F the cards are below average:

  • Bulkwark – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 20 | Def: 80 | Reflect 40% of melee damage back | Tail: Indian Star
  • Overgrow Keratin – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 90 | Def: 30 | +20 shield per turn | Tail: Bumpy
  • Venom Spray – Reptile: Energy 0 | Atk 10 | Def: 20 | x2 poison to target | Tail: Grass Snake
  • Tiny Swing – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 40 | 150% damage after round 4 | Tail: Tiny Dino
  • Poo Fling – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 80 | Stench to target | Tail: Unko & Pinku Unko
  • Juggling Balls – Beast: Energy 1 | Atk 40 | Def: 30 | Strike x3 times | Tail: Furball
  • Luna Absorb – Beast: Energy 0 | Atk 0 | Def: 0 | +1 energy | Tail: Cottontail
  • Aqua Stock – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 45 | Def: 80 | +1 energy if struck by aqua | Tail: Watering can
  • Forest Spirit – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 0 | Def: 40 | 190HP for front teammate | Tail: Silence Whisper
  • Patient Hunter – Bird: Energy 0 | Atk 130 | Def: 0 | Target Aqua if HP<50%| Tail: Kingfisher
  • Cockadoodledoo – Bird: Energy 0 | Atk 0 | Def: 40 | + Attack| Tail: Cuckoo
  • Buzzing Wind – bug: Energy 0 | Atk 10 | Def: 30 | Fragile to target until next round | Tail: Spiky Wing
  • Chemical Warfare – bug: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 80 | Stench to enemy x1 round | Tail: Ant

Axie Infinity Best Cards – Tier E

Axie Infinity Best Cards – In Tier D, E & F the cards are below average:

  • Risky Feather – Bird: Energy 1 | Atk 150 | Def: 0 | x2 – Attack | Tail: The Last One
  • Cattail Slap – Plant: Energy 0 | Atk 20 | Def: 30 | +Draw a card if struck by beast, bug or mech | Tail: cattail
  • Gas Unleash – Plant: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 20 | + poison with each attck & defense | Tail: Yam
  • Grub Explode – bug: Energy 0 | Atk 10 | Def: 30 | Fragile to target until next round | Tail: Spiky Wing
  • Mite Bite – bug: Energy 0 | Atk 30 | Def: 0 | +100% damage if comboed | Tail: Square Teeth
  • Numbing Lecretion – bug: Energy 1 | Atk 30 | Def: 40 | Disable target’s melee cards next round | Tail: Gravel Ant
  • Twin Needle – bug: Energy 0 | Atk 30 | Def: 0 | attack twice if comboed | Tail: Twin Tail
  • Vine Dagger – Reptile: Energy 0 | Atk 20 | Def: 30 | x2 shield if comboed with plant | Tail: Green Thorms
  • Jar barrage – Reptile: Energy 1 | Atk 80 | Def: 20 | If an attack breaks its shield can’t do + damage | Tail: Snake Jar

Tier F –  The Worst Cards

Axie Infinity Best Cards – In Tier F are the worst cards in the game:

  • Sweet Party – Plant: Energy 2 | Atk 0 | Def: 0 | +270Hp for front teammate | Tail: Strawberry Shortcake
  • Sunder Claw – bug: Energy 0 | Atk 20 | Def: 0 | Discard 1 random card from enemy | Tail: Pincer

About Miguel Sancho 6679 Articles
Helping gamers with walkthroughs, guides, cheats & console commands and codes lists since 2005

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