How To Beat Altered Mylodon In Forspoken?

how to beat altered mylodon in forspoken

Last Updated on 26 January, 2023

How To Beat Altered Mylodon In Forspoken – Learn how to help find and defeat Altered Mylodon in Forspoken.

One of the altered mutant mini-bosses in Forspoken that you can defeat to earn prizes is Mylodon. You will be taken to the mysterious land of Athia in this action-adventure role-playing game. This world, which was once prosperous, has been overtaken by a disease known as The Break. You come across numerous hazardous monsters and infected people as you travel across Athia. You’ll need to upgrade your equipment if you want to fight them. We’ll explain how to defeat the mutant bear in this guide so you can acquire materials for upgrading.

How To Beat Altered Mylodon In Forspoken

This is one of the first bosses you’ll encounter in the Barren Plains region. That means your weapons, magic, and gear will be near the beginning of the game. We recommend fighting this optional boss after reaching a certain level in the main storyline. Specifically, after defeating Tanta Sila and gaining access to her Red Magic. Once you’ve unlocked it, make sure to get the new spells and level them up.

You must keep your distance while attacking Altered Mylodon with Red Magic spells to defeat it. To defeat it, follow these steps:

  • – Use Spells such as Blast Slice to attack from a distance while moving around. This mutant is enormous, but its size has no bearing on its speed. It will hit you with some powerful melee attacks if you are not on your toes throughout the fight.
  • – Keep an eye out for its Biting Attack and Claw Swipes, which can deal a lot of damage.
  • – It will also absorb the majority of your attacks due to its thick hide. So keep attacking Mylodon’s weak points, such as its belly and back. Hitting these locations will quickly deplete its massive health bar.
  • – Altered Mylodon’s attacks are also unblockable, so make sure you have enough Healing Draughts before engaging in combat.
  • – Use a Necklace with high Red Magic stats to deal huge damage.
  • – When you defeat Altered Mylodon, it will drop four Lambent Garlands, which you can use to upgrade your equipment.

That’s all we have for Altered Mylodon in Forspoken. Check out these other articles for more useful guides.

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